The Real Secret to Weight-loss
The Real Secret to Weight Loss Miracle diets, cleanses, crazy workout programs, strange supplements, wraps, measuring cups and scales, fasting, macro tracking—what’s the real secret…

Do You Need Machines to Get Fit?
Do You Need Machines to Get Fit? Here’s a big question in the fitness world: Do you need machines to get fit? The short answer:…

Can you build strength after 40?
Absolutely! Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience some physical decline as we age. …

Does Fat Make You Fat?
Does Fat Make You Fat? We’ve been asked this question so many times: Does fat make you fat? The one-word answer is “no.” So why…

How Fast Can You Gain or Lose Fitness?
How Fast Can You Gain or Lose Fitness? Many people who are thinking about exercising want to know how fast you can gain fitness. And…

Can You Target Fat Loss?
Getting Rid of Fat “Right here”: Can You Target Fat Loss? Many, many people have asked a fitness coach if it’s possible to lose fat…

You’re not as healthy as you think
Pain triggers action It’s human nature to generally only take action when there is pain attached to it. This pain can be physical such as…

Investment over Expense training
If you’re starting your new fitness journey and are looking at the costs as an expense from the get go, you are ticking time bomb…

Alcohol is the silent Killer to Fat Loss
If you want to change your lifestyle, your mood, attitude, relationship with food and exercise, then there are many building blocks we can start with….

What even is a Habit ?
If we want to change the direction of our current state we generally have to make adjustments to do so. If we want to lose…